Compliance Intelligence

Unlock an early compliance warning and monitoring system

Harness the critical data points from your compliance program. PerformLine’s Business Intelligence uncovers compliance and performance risks across your organization.

Unlock an early warning and monitoring system

Our Business Intelligence uncovers compliance and performance risks across your organization

PerformLine Business Intelligence for Messages, Chats and Agents
Data Done Right

Harness the millions of powerful business-critical data points generated for your organization to get the actionable insights you need

Comprehensive Analyses and Visualization

Understand a wide range of compliance and performance metrics to uncover insights to proactively manage compliance risks and improve rep performance

One Source of Truth

Using one platform for monitoring, reporting, and analysis provides consistency of compliance and performance KPIs


With Benchmarking you’ll gain a clear view of your compliance program’s performance on specific KPIs as compared to industry peers.

With reports that look at potential violations and time to remediation vs a peer group using the same channel, Benchmarking helps:

  • Identify your program’s strengths and areas for improvement to influence your strategic efforts
  • Drive informed decisions for resource investment and planning
  • Spot performance gaps by channel to address issues quickly
individual report card

Web Intelligence

Discover deeper insights into your most or least compliant partners, loan officers, or publishers by measuring their adherence to regulatory and brand guidelines with a web compliance monitoring software.

Call Center Intelligence

See call center monitoring data and insights that identify your top performers based on specific KPIs, quantify rep improvement post-training, create comprehensive report cards, and share best practices across your organization with Performline

Business Intelligence for Call Centers-speech analytics
Business Intelligence for Messaging - Overview

Message Intelligence

Get intelligence that helps you oversee reps’ interactions with consumers, create comprehensive report cards, measure compliance, and gain performance metrics to ensure the best possible customer experience

Social Media Intelligence

Gain deeper insights to see performance and compliance by social channels and by individuals, including loan officers, independent agents, networks, partners, and paid influencers with social media marketing compliance software.

Business Intelligence for Social Media - workflow view