Higher Education + PerformLine

How a higher education company uses PerformLine to monitor and review over 140k calls for compliance


About the Client

A leading post-secondary education organization.

Business Challenges

With more than 140,000 calls coming in from both internal and external third-party call centers, this organization knew that their QA team didn’t have the bandwidth to manually review each call for compliance. But, with only a fraction of these thousands of calls being monitored for compliance, this organization knew that they were susceptible to huge amounts of risk.

This organization needed a solution that would allow them to automatically review 100% of calls for compliance without additional headcount.

PerformLine Solutions

  • Call Monitoring to automate the review of each call minute using sophisticated speech analytics and language modeling to flag only those that have potential brand and regulatory compliance violations.
  • Industry Rulebooks to monitor calls against applicable federal, state, and local regulations and their brand’s guidelines.

Results at a Glance


coverage with no additional headcount


calls automatically reviewed monthly

The Results

100% Coverage

Using PerformLine, this organization achieved 100% coverage of the calls coming from internal and external call centers and is able to see the full risk picture.

More Concise Compliance Review

With automated review, an average of 12% of the calls were flagged to be further reviewed by the QA team. The team only needs to listen to the exact call minute(s) where PerformLine flagged potential violations, saving valuable time and resources (that were previously taken up by manual review) that could be allocated to other business initiatives.

Improved Training + A Complete Audit Trail

With the help of PerformLine, this organization’s QA team is confident that they were effectively mitigating risk using the data gathered. The team is now able to use this data to provide the appropriate training documents to ensure that actions don’t occur again. By doing this, this organization is able to create a complete audit trail.

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