Leading Mortgage Lender + PerformLine

How a leading mortgage lender uses PerformLine’s Call Monitoring to build scorecards and improve agent performance


About the Client

This client is nationally recognized direct mortgage lender who offers a wide range of mortgage loan options. As one of the largest privately-owned direct mortgage lenders in the nation, the client has prioritized making home ownership a reality for individuals and families from all communities, particularly those that have been underserved.

Business Challenges

This mortgage lender was struggling with the accuracy and scalability of review of their agents' performance and scorecard documentation process.

Initially, this lender hired a small team of internal QA agents to randomly sample and review calls, and create a basic scorecard system in excel. But, the process quickly became laborsome, time-consuming, and riddled with inaccuracies.

The random sampling of calls wasn’t providing an accurate view of agent performance and wasn’t actionable to assist in creating high-performing sales agents to help the organization meet revenue goals. Valuable time and money were spent looking for data trends on agent call performance without any accurate results on which they could rely.

In order to grow and scale as an organization, the lender needed to have a way to scale their review process to provide accurate and actionable data on their loan officers’ performance.

PerformLine Solutions

  • Call Monitoring to monitor and review all phone communications of 100+ loan officers and customer services representatives
  • Business Intelligence to provide superior insights into agent behavior and adherence to scripts and to create agent scorecards to be used for training and coaching

Results at a Glance


more agent scorecards produced


more call coverage



The Results

Eliminated Manual Review

With PerformLine, this lender went from manually reviewing and creating scorecards for only 20 calls per day to full coverage and scoring of every call received, totaling over 12,000 a month.

Fast and Accurate Scoring

Using PerformLine’s Business Intelligence tool, this lender was able to aggregate all of their agent performance data for a holistic view of their entire call center to pinpoint areas that needed additional training. The lender was also able to produce 27x the amount of agent scorecards using PerformLine than they were previously with their manual QA process.

Improved Agent Performance

This lender experienced improved sales training and coaching for their agents using the performance metrics provided by PerformLine. They can now rely on accurate data (instead of assumptions) and can provide increased and more strategic training to promote novice agents to experts.

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