Partner Bank + PerformLine

How a partner bank uses PerformLine to monitor web pages and social media posts from 200+ fintech partners


About the Client

This partner bank operates as a strategic partner in the fintech ecosystem. Renowned for its innovative approach and robust banking solutions, it collaborates with numerous fintech companies to deliver cutting-edge financial products and services. Its partnerships encompass a wide array of fintech sectors, including digital payments, lending, and financial management.

Business Challenges

This partner bank manages a network of over 200 fintech partners, each of which requires rigorous marketing compliance oversight. Previously, the bank relied on a manual compliance monitoring process, which only allowed them to spot-check a fraction of web pages and social media posts. This approach not only exposed them to significant compliance risks but also left them vulnerable to regulatory penalties and reputational damage.

The manual process was labor-intensive and inefficient. With limited resources, the bank struggled to ensure comprehensive oversight, which increased the potential for non-compliant content to slip through the cracks.

Realizing the need for a more robust solution, the bank sought out technology capable of managing compliance oversight across numerous fintechs’ web pages and social media accounts. They required a system that could automate the monitoring process, scale with their expanding network, and provide real-time insights to swiftly address any compliance issues.

In short, they needed PerformLine.

PerformLine Solutions

  • Web Monitoring to automatically monitor all fintech partner web pages and discover unknown pages where their brand was being promoted across the web
  • Social Media Monitoring to monitor all fintech partner social media accounts and posts across platforms
  • Pro Services to use our team of expert QA analysts to review every flagged observation, deliver curated and actionable alerts into workflow, and send out remediation notices

Results at a Glance


web pages and social posts monitored daily


increase in compliance oversight


partners monitored

The Results

Discovery of unapproved marketing materials by partners

With PerformLine's discovery capabilities, this bank identified multiple instances of their fintech partners using marketing materials that were never submitted for approval. In some cases, partners put out offers that would have never made it through the bank's approval process. With  PerformLine, the bank was able to quickly identify and remediate these issues, ensuring compliance and protecting their brand integrity.

Increased compliance coverage

The bank can now comprehensively monitor all of the web pages and social media posts from 200+ of their fintech partners for regulatory and brand compliance. Since starting with PerformLine, the bank monitors over 1,500 web pages daily and has monitored over 198,000 social media assets. 

Out of the 1,500+ web pages monitored, 57% of those were previously unknown by the bank and were uncovered after implementing PerformLine, resulting in 1.5x more compliance coverage and brand protection.

Quick review and remediation of compliance issues

PerformLine’s Pro Services team leads the review and remediation of any flagged web pages or social posts for the bank, saving their internal team countless hours. This ensures complete and timely coverage, allowing the bank to address compliance issues swiftly and efficiently.

Scalability and efficiency

By partnering with PerformLine, the bank achieved scalable and efficient compliance monitoring. They now have comprehensive coverage across the web and social media, ensuring that their partners meet all regulatory and brand requirements. The automation provided by PerformLine has streamlined their compliance process, making it quicker, more efficient, and scalable to handle their growing network of fintech partners.

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