Partner Bank + PerformLine

How a partner bank uses PerformLine to monitor 33,000+ calls a month to identify complaints 99% faster


About the Client

This nationally recognized mid-sized bank is known for its innovative banking solutions and providing exceptional customer service. With a rich history and a strong commitment to community development, the bank offers a wide range of services, including personal and commercial banking, wealth management, and investment services.

Dedicated to fostering financial growth and stability, this bank leverages advanced technology to provide convenient and secure banking experiences. Its customer-centric approach and dedication to ethical practices have earned it a reputation as a trusted partner in financial success.

Business Challenges

This leading bank works with multiple fintech partners, each with their own call centers, where they communicate with consumers. It’s important for the bank to have oversight of these communications and ensure that any complaints are handled quickly and appropriately, both for the good of their consumers and to avoid regulatory scrutiny.

The bank’s small customer experience team was tasked with reviewing as many calls as possible and manually identifying calls with consumer complaints. Then, they had to cross-check these calls with complaint reports from their partners to ensure that they were all accurately reported. Lastly, they had to review the content of each individual complaint—all of which was very time-consuming and overwhelming for a small team.

Collectively, these partners send an average of 33,000 calls to the bank per month for review, totaling over 300,000 call minutes. Finding the small number of consumer complaints in such a high volume of calls was like finding a needle in a haystack, and it was nearly impossible with manual efforts. Without automation, it's likely that consumer complaints went unreported to the bank, remaining undiscovered due to bandwidth restrictions.

This bank needed a scalable solution to automate the review of all call minutes submitted by their partners to quickly identify complaints without hiring additional headcount.

PerformLine Solutions

  • Call Monitoring to automatically monitor the customer experience and identify complaints among thousands of calls from partner call centers.
  • Industry Rulebooks to monitor for terms and customer speech patterns that are indicative of a complaint, and flags those specific parts of the call for review.

Results at a Glance


calls automatically reviewed


hours saved per month


more efficient call review

The Results

100% call coverage for over 300k call minutes per month

By leveraging PerformLine’s technology, this small customer experience team is now able to see the full risk picture of their partners with automated monitoring and review of 100% of calls—over 300,000 minutes of calls per month across 2,000+ unique agents.

In total, more than 10 billion call minutes have been automatically monitored and reviewed for the bank since implementing PerformLine over 5 years ago—a feat that would have been impossible with just manual efforts.

Identifying consumer complaints in minutes instead of hours

Through automated call review with PerformLine, the bank found that less than 1% of monthly call minutes contained complaints. 

Within this 1%, they were able to quickly identify the calls that their partners failed to identify in their reports—a task that used to take countless hours with manual review and still left complaints unidentified.

Streamlined operations for 99% more efficient call review processes

PerformLine has revolutionized the complaint review process for the resource-constrained customer experience team. Now, they only need to review the relevant segments of each call that need their attention, which are flagged by PerformLine to the second—making their call review process 99% more efficient and saving 4.9k hours per month. 

This process has streamlined their operations and given them the confidence to identify which partners provide great customer experiences

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