5 Signs It's Time To Invest In A Marketing Compliance Software


#1 - Your current compliance program is constrained by manual review.

  • Do you have a compliance program in place, but feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to review everything that could be non-compliant? 

  • Does your compliance team spend the majority of their time on manual review of marketing materials?

  • Do you wish you could add a few more people to your team to stay ahead?

It may be time to invest in software to help accelerate your marketing compliance program. PerformLine's automated compliance monitoring solution provides one single platform for regulatory and brand compliance across all of the marketing channels you use to interact with consumers.


#2 - The majority of your documents being submitted for review require revisions due to a compliance issue.

  • Is your team reviewing more than 50 marketing pieces a month for regulatory and brand compliance?

  • Do the majority of those pieces require revisions due to a compliance issue?

  • Does your review process involve several rounds of back and forth for edits and revisions?

Data from the PerformLine Platform shows that 44% of documents submitted for review in 2023 had at least one compliance issue that needed revision. With PerformLine's Document Review, marketing assets (like blog posts, direct mailers, and brochures) are automatically ingested and reviewed to provide fast and accurate compliance verdicts.

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#3 - You're not able to monitor all assets from your third parties and partners for compliance.

  • Do a number of third parties/partners you work with who market on behalf of your company?

  • Are you able to monitor everything being used by these third parties for compliance issues?

  • Of the items being monitored, do a high percentage require remediation?

Ensure 100% of your third parties are being monitored for compliance all the time and across all the channels your brand is being mentioned. Learn how PerformLine can automate and scale compliance across all of your third parties, partners, and individual contributors. 

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#4 - You find it difficult to keep up with regulatory changes.

  • Is it difficult to stay on top of the ever-changing regulatory changes for your industry?

  • Do federal regulatory changes, UDAAP, dark patterns, fair lending, and data privacy and protection laws keep you up at night?

  • Do you have a process in place to implement these changes immediately within your compliance program?

At PerformLine, we have years of experience with regulators and clients in regulated industries. Built off this industry expertise, our proprietary, turn-key rulebooks are ready-to-use and cover the regulatory guidelines applicable to your industry - but are customizable to fit your needs. Learn more about PerformLine's industry expertise and rulebooks. 


#5 - You utilize an omni-channel marketing approach, but lack omni-channel compliance monitoring.

  • Do you lack compliance monitoring on at least one marketing channel that you're currently using?
  • Do you need a way to quickly scale monitoring rules from one marketing channel to another?
  • Do you know which marketing channels create the most compliance violations?

No more duplicating efforts on hard-to-scale, single-point solutions for each channel. All marketing channels have the potential for compliance issues, don't leave yourself exposed to risk. Get the full compliance picture with PerformLine's omni-channel platform. 


No matter what kind of marketing compliance challenges you face, PerformLine has you covered. 

Whether you're looking for comprehensive oversight across all your marketing channels, need extra bandwidth to review and fix compliance issues, or just don't know where to start with your compliance program, we have a solution for you that's customizable, automated, and scalable.

Speak with an expert to learn more.

Get complete compliance coverage with PerformLine